Leadership Path

Posted by ||Aku Pemikir|| | Posted on 12/22/2012 05:28:00 pm


When Andy Andrews write in his book Mastering the Seven Decision about seeking wisdom, he propose three methods, One. Serve others. Two. Take the counsel of others and most importantly three. Read!

On my leadership journey, i mostly relied on my experience, gathered bit by bit, try and error and it made me who i am. Yes, it surely a valuable lesson, the ups and down, facing the difficulties with all my beloved friends that support me a lot, at a certain point we made it.

One big mistake and i thank to Allah with His guidance, that i think it is already enough but the reality is, actually there are so much more to learn. Leadership is vast, my experience only gained me only a little.

As Andy propose, in seeking wisdom, the faster way is to read. Read about leadership, what other previous leaders had done in their time, learn from it, apply it when necessary, know what play to call.

This period of time, i really believe is my critical moment, it is the moment to collect as much knowledge as possible. Like what John C. Maxwell write in his book The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, the Law of Process. I am now are in the process to seek knowledge and wisdom.

When looking back at the past, i realized that i made so much mistakes, so i want to ask for forgiveness to all my friends who were with me at that time, i am learning and i am continue doing so right now.

As for now, i am ready to take another challenge in the future. I believe i can do better. I don't know what awaits me in front but i believe what i am doing now is the preparation, for the whole new path of my life. May Allah help me. Amin.

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