Doktor Bergaduh Sama Sendiri, Bayi Yang Mati!!!
Posted by ||Aku Pemikir|| | Posted in kedokteran | Posted on 3/04/2010 08:46:00 pm
Aku cukup sedih bila aku dapat kisah dua orang doktor ni..walaupun bukan doktor Malaysia, tapi kisah ni patut menjadi peringatan kepada semua doktor dan bakal doktor pada masa akan datang.
Brazil baby dies 'as doctors fight'
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A baby girl died following an alleged fight between doctors in a Brazilian hospital delivery room, reports say, prompting an investigation.
Another doctor was eventually able to help the 32-year-old woman but her baby was born dead, the reports said.
An official said it was not clear if the fight played a role in the death.
The incident took place in Ivinhema in Mato Grosso do Sul state.
The two doctors have since been sacked, the Agencia Estado news agency reported, and an investigation is being carried out by police and medical authorities.
The pregnant woman, Gislaine de Matos Rodrigues, was said to have asked the doctor who had been responsible for her pre-natal care to look after her during the birth.
But just after medication was given to induce the birth, another doctor arrived and was reported to have insisted that as he was on duty he should be responsible for the procedure.
Reports say the two men at first started to argue, and then to fight.
"It was a big fight. They ended up rolling around on the floor and my wife was screaming for them to stop," said the woman's husband, Gilberto Melo Cabreira, quoted by the Folha de Sao Paulo newspaper.
He said security staff had to be called to remove the doctors.
One of the doctors confirmed to Globo TV that there was a fight in the delivery room, but blamed his colleague.
"I didn't get in a fight with him, he got into a fight with me," said Dr Sinomar Ricardo.
The station said it was unable to interview the second doctor.
According to Brazilian media, another member of staff was eventually able to help in an emergency caesarean section 90 minutes later, but the baby girl was born dead.
A death certificate is said to attribute the cause to a lack of oxygen, but a full post-mortem examination has yet to be completed.
1. Aku berharap kepada semua rakan seperjuangan aku, apabila kita ni dah jadik doktor, ingat balik apa NIAT dan MATLAMAT kita. Betullah kita ni bukan ROBOT yang mampu bekerja siang dan malam TANPA HENTI, kita juga MANUSIA yang punya HATI. Cuma mungkin kita perlu sedar bahawa betapa besarnya tanggungjawab yang telah Tuhan berikan ke atas pundak kita. Berat memang berat, tak semua yang dapat buat. Allah berikan amanah itu kepada kita, kenapa kita tak rasa berbangga??
2. Aku malu dengan tingkah laku yang ditunjukkan oleh doktor ni, mana perginya bioethics yang korang belajar, dah lupa ke Hippocratics Oath yang dah korang ucapkan??!!
3. Kita dokter dipandang tinggi masyarakat, insyaallah apa je yang doktor cakap pasti akan didengar. Kita juga dipercayai oleh semua lapisan rakyat.Kita patut menjaga jangkaan tinggi orang banyak, bukan merosakkannya dengan perlakuan yang tidak langsung dipupuk semasa zaman perkuliahan.
4. Aku harap semoga peristiwa macam ni tak kan akan berulang lagik, kita doktor bermain dengan NYAWA pesakit!!! Jangan kerana kelalaian dan fiil korang yang tak 'semenggah' tu, sebatang tubuh manusia terkulai layu di pangkuan kamu!!!
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